Friday 19 July 2013

The lover's Abode

The lover's abode

I am sure when the lovers
Breath one's last there special place
They go to be united in eternal Love
No pains,no worries, two souls floating in bliss at last

Sir Lancelot finally can embrace his Guinevere
Without knights of Round Table meddling
Tristan don't have to suffer from the grief
Not reuniting with Isolde dear beloved

Sweet Romeo walk on clouds ,holding
The hands of precious Juliette
Paolo and Francesca does not have to hide
Majnun and Layla sit on comfy cushions

Sipping aromatic balsam
Poor, unfortunate Abelard endured no castration

For lovely Eloise and non become a nun
In the designated abode the lovers found a peace
No intruders , tortures , Love only permeate the air
Ingress into the eyes, spooning the kisses
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